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  • グローバルユニティジャパンファイナリストの視点??


The Global Unity Japan finalist business card is created by “LIMEX”, a new material made from limestone. So do I. Individually, in early 2019, when I started my freelance activities and created my own business card, I chose LIMEX as a material without any doubt.
Whenever I have the opportunity to hand over a business card, I am conscious of adding a word that the material of the business card is made of limestone. 
We can also add a word about our finalists’ business cards.

11/28開催の「グローバルユニティジャパン 世界大会出場選出日本大会」まで三週間を切りました‼
?11/13-27 17:00までのYoutube再生回数がコンテスト審査基準の一つとなります。
➽Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOK4UXYuV3KbEeHgpud0jHw
➽➽観覧チケットご購入は11/25まで https://www.global-unity-japan.jp/ticket/
ANAクラウンプラザホテル京都2F 平安の間

We are looking forward to the contest of Global Unity Japan so please come out & support the FINALISTS, US!
? At the Global Unity Japan held on ANA CROWNE PLAZA KYOTO in Kyoto, I’m participating in, the self-branding ability is required as one of the screening criteria.
Especially, the number of Youtube views on 13th Nov. – 5 pm JST 27th Nov. would be definitely estimated.
I would like to ask all of you for your cooperation in increasing the number of views. Please support by accessing my channel.
➽Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOK4UXYuV3KbEeHgpud0jHw
➽➽//Note//  Please send a DM to my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/iribukariona/ when you apply for viewing.
(For detail, pls. see Instagram posted on 28th Oct.)


Youtube, SNS, Tiktokに動画で投稿しています。For more detail, pls see https://youtu.be/_DF2vPtnZ7c

Thank you.