12月第五週:作品ラインナップ?BGM演奏 / Week 5 Dec. line-up BGM

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?BGM Piano Performance at Restaurant, Week 5 Dec. 2022

This is my last working time this year.
I routinely have my stock of about 50 music scores for BGM per 2 hours. The additional pieces of music for the BGM performance this week are listed as mentioned below.

I pick up the winter seasonal music, the popular now JPOP music as well as the works of the musicians whose birthdays were in December.

And still, continuous anger and sympathy for sacrifice draw many works to hope to end Russian aggression to achieve a world where everyone pursues global peace. Also, every time I select the work of Chopin who had longed to escape from evacuation status for standing in his homeland, Poland.

– For BGM performance
(The only additional pieces) –

  • Romance “Snowstorm” (Sviridov)
  • Au lever du jour | Barcarolle (Boieldieu)
  • Fantasia (Johann Krieger)
  • A Little Song, Op.27, No.2 (Kabalevsky)
  • Heart to Heart (John Denver)
    ✿In addition to the above, the works of the musician whose birthday was in December (previously performed)
    – 人生のメリーゴーランド~風の通り道 (久石譲)
    – El Cant dels Ocells| 鳥の歌 (The original from the Spanish folk song to world popular by Pablo Casals)

  • 恋だろ
  • First Love
by YAMAHA GRAND Piano C3//
