4月第一週:作品ラインナップ?ラウンジ演奏編 / Week 1 Apr. line-up Lounge

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  • 4月第一週:作品ラインナップ?ラウンジ演奏編 / Week 1 Apr. line-up Lounge




At the piano lounge, in response to old customers, vocalists, and saxophone players, I give my piano performances and accompaniments accordingly.

I didn’t have a chance to play for customers this week.
However, in response to last week’s customer’s request, “I want to listen to ‘Demon Slayer’ next time.”, I wondered if it would suit the atmosphere there, which is different from BGM performance, so I tried playing it.

– For lounge performance – from extra scene

  • 鬼滅の刃 無限列車編より『炎』『明け星』



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