?BGM Piano Performance at Restaurant, Week 1 Mar. 2022
I routinely have my stock of about 50 music scores for BGM per 2 hours. I also respond to customer requests by playing BGM at restaurants.
The additional pieces of music for the BGM performance this week are listed as mentioned below.
Some families with children as well as the family who enjoyed the child’s birthday celebration dinner were very delighted with my BGM performance to have their dinner time. “It’s my pleasure!
The seasonal songs and the pieces of the composers whose birthday is in March are also chosen. And still, I continue to perform the additional anti-war songs to hope to achieve the world that everyone pursues global peace.
– For BGM performance (The only additional pieces) –
- 365日の紙飛行機
- スパークル(幾田りら)
- 3月9日
- 狼なんかこわくない
- エーデルワイス
- ひまわり(既出ながら、映画「ひまわり」の撮影場所はウクライナ南部のひまわり畑だったことからこのたび緊急上映の運びとなり収益の一部をウクライナの方々に寄付する、との報道により選曲)
- Master of War
- クスノキ
- フレディもしくは三教街-ロシア租界にて-
- G線上のアリア 管弦楽組曲第3番(Bach)
- 卒業写真
- 贈る言葉
- う・ふ・ふ・ふ
- 赤いスイートピー JAZZYバージョン
- アニーローリー
by YAMAHA GRAND Piano C3//
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